Exhibitions & Collections



  1. Cutaneous Delineation

  2. Reconstruction

  3. Passing Judgement

Cutaneous Delineation


My artistic practice is informed by the exploration of the human experience. Life and death relating to our combined history. Generations of the human story containing infinite personal storytelling.

Intrigued by aspects of personality and a need to explore the nature of humanity, my exhibition Cutaneous Delineation tells the human story of internal private lives expressed on the skin in a public manner. What is normally obscured or hidden now open on public display. It is not only an outward projection of art and beauty but an inner voice projected outwards telling a story of the life of the subject. Tattoos are a deeply personal expression of art and human storytelling.

Cyanotype, Cotton fabric and thread, Natural papers, Cheesecloth, Cotton lace and trim, Glass bead

March 1 - April 15, 2017, Hague Gallery | Creative City Centre, Regina, SK



My artworks in this encaustic series, Reconstruction, utilize stitching to represent the potential surgical alteration of our faces and bodies. My artworks examine the face in relation to body image, personal identity and self-esteem. The layering and hidden areas imply the depth that lies behind our external persona. I am proposing that we ignore societal and media-based pressures that expose us to an ideal body image. In many people these influences cause insecurities, a belief that they are deficient in some way, leaving them with a desire to achieve an unattainable perfection. This unattainable image of a perfect self may influence a perceived need to alter ourselves. We can easily modify our bodies. Should we? Facial modifications can turn people into clones of one another causing a sterile stripping away of personality and experience leaving one person looking very similar to another. I suggest non-conformist attitudes and hooray for individuality.

I have three daughters whom I hope to raise with a sense of self-confidence. I want all of us, my daughters included, to find our comforts in the company of family and good friends. Live each day in wonder with open hearts and open eyes as confident people comfortable in our own skin. I want to reconstruct the modern concept of beauty.

Washi papers, Thread, Ink, Conte, Sewing tissue, Embroidery hoop

AGR Out of the Box | Art Gallery of Regina, Regina, SK

Passing Judgement


Intrigued by aspects of personality and a need to explore the nature of humanity, my exhibition Passing Judgement is the observation of our tendency to see the exterior and make judgements, correct or incorrect, based upon assumptions. I set the viewer in the position of a judge to recreate the feeling that occurs when first introduced to someone new.

Acrylic Ink, Watercolour paper

Artist Showcase | Traditions Handcraft Gallery, Regina, SK

