KRISTIN MACPHERSON • Red Fox Creative Studio

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Give the gift of experience (not stuff)

The Holiday season is getting closer everyday. As you shop this holiday season, consider gifting experiences. These great gift experiences provide memories that will last a lifetime, PLUS they will take away the stress of finding the "perfect" gift. 

8 reasons to give experience gifts instead of stuff

1. Experiences build relationships. Experience gifts contribute to family bonding, especially when you enjoy them as a pair/group.

2. Experiences are fun.

3. Great for people who already have everything they need or want.

4. Experiences last longer. Joy of material gifts fade quickly. Experience gifts extend joy because the receiver will look forward to the event. The receiver will relish in the moment and relive the memories of the experiences for a long time.

5. Experiences are good for the planet.

6. Experiences can evolve into Family Traditions.

7. Experiences make you happier longer.  Material possessions do not equal happiness. In fact they can actually can cause stress, when we have too much. Experience gifts nurture our happiness.

8. We store experiences in our hearts not in our closets.

Shared experiences do not have to be the "things you buy" in order to make another person happy.  They can be as simple as time spent together during/preparing meals, while driving, or reading stories before bed. Prioritizing shared experiences as gifts helps reduce stress, anxieties and a want for material things. 

Examples of Gifting Experiences:

  • Concert tickets

  • Dinner out

  • A membership to organization / sport

  • City Passes (ie. swimming lessons, etc)

  • Community centre classes (ie. cooking, yoga, etc)

  • Art / Crafty Classes

Do you have someone crafty on your Holiday List? The Experience Gift we have to give is aGift Card to be used for any of our socially-minded classes and workshops. Also be sure to check out some of our no charge experience based activities, like Social Sketch.

Happy Holiday Season.

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