KRISTIN MACPHERSON • Red Fox Creative Studio

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Six ways to lead a happier lifestyle

We believe people are doing the best they can. We believe when all else fails - do ART. We believe that you can give yourself permission to be authentically, courageously YOU! AND we want you to be happy in your life.


How do you cultivate happiness?
Creativity and mindfulness is the place to start.

Six ways to lead a happier lifestyle:

  1. Alone Time
    This is the antidote to all the “busyness”. Kristin and I know that when we haven’t had enough alone time, we start to feel overly annoyed and agitated. We think it also depends on how introverted you are – we are also both introverts and if we haven’t had sufficient time alone we start to unravel.

    It is easy to become angry, disappointed and resentful when we haven’t actually asked for what we need (both from others and from ourselves). Quiet moments of pause and stillness allow us to reconnect and can bring focus to who we are and what we need.

  2. Self Care Activities
    We spend the entire week dragging ourselves from obligation to obligation. Then our weekends are spent completing the never ending to-do list.

    We want you to think about the last time you did something JUST FOR YOU.

    Self-care is NOT selfish It’s necessary. Self-care is rejuvenating, empowering and sacred.

    Imagine for a moment that you could do anything you wanted for an hour - what would you do?
    Now, find a way to make it happen, schedule it in and make sure it happens this week, next week and the week after that. You NEED this.

  3. Self Discovery Books
    Nothing can replace the power of a good book. Recently Kristin and Kayla have been on a journey of self-development and discovery. Together, we’ve read over 10 books since the start of the summer.
    Reading takes you out of the stories in your head and has the power to change the repeating narrative.

    Here are some of the books we recommend:
    When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron
    Rising Strong - Brene Brown
    The Feeling Good Handbook - Burns
    The Happiness Project (Revised Edition)  - Gretchen Rubin

  4. Time in Nature
    Living in the city can make you feel like you’re living in your head (and not your body). Living the to-do list. Living the “get things done” mentality. Living the need to “social media” (well, this is an integral part of #entrepreneurlife). We can get to the point of not allowing ourselves the permission to be in the moment.
    When in nature (specifically the forrest) the urge to be in your body presents itself. Your breathing regulates. You can process thoughts easier. Say no to tech and immerse yourself in the present moment.
    In fact, studies show that what you notice (see, hear, and experience) in nature can change your mood, reduce stress, improves memory and relieves depression and anxiety.
    Get out and experience nature!

  5. Creativity
    Creativity is a practice of opening your heart. When we create we become more connected, more at ease, and more aligned with our authentic selves.
    At some point in life, your inner critic has taken the wheel, driving your life with negative-self talk. Keeping you small and crippling your desire to create the life you want – a life full of gratitude, authenticity, and calm.
    Creativity allows you to pause for a few moments each day, connect with your breath & body while nourishing yourself with grace. Giving permission for your inner light to shine.
    Go on, create anything, everything. Doodle, paint, write, sing and dance.

  6. Time with Family and Friends
    It is no secret that the more connection you have with others the happier you are.

    Here are some of our favourite ways to create connections with the people we love:
    - Call them on the phone
    - Take an art class with your bestie
    - Buy OR make a REAL card and send in the mail
    - Pop by their work for a hello/hug
    - Pop by their house with their favourite... insert whatever (drink, candy, popsicle, blizzard, etc)
    - OR ACTUALLY INVITE THEM FOR A FACE-TO-FACE CONNECTION (coffee, gander through Chapters, wine, book club, this is really limitless)

Share your happiness moments with us at #creativeyqr & #mindfulyqr.

RED FOX CREATIVE STUDIO is a creativity & wellness centre located in Regina, SK.