Finding my way back to Creativity

I wanted to change how stuck I was feeling, but how?
— Kristin

It is safe to say that the last two years have been hard for all of us. It seemed like every month brought more stress, unease, and shortages of time and money. It was especially difficult for my family this last Winter when my Mom passed away from cancer. Her death sucked the creative joy right out of me. I was not my usual self. For months I felt impatient, easily frustrated and uninspired.

I was unsure how to move forward because I was so angry at the world. I wanted to change how stuck I was feeling, but how?

In early Spring, I decided to treat myself. I decided to put my creativity first, to put me first.

I had been following a few encaustic artists in the states on social media. There was a event I was interested in. It was a wax workshop in Seattle called Encausticamp (with artist Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch) I would look at the sign up page every year and every year I would talk myself out of signing up. Every year for years. I would think … someday.

Could I go by myself to a week of encaustic wax and creativity in Seattle? Would I be brave this year?

I thought of my Mom. Life is short, sometimes shorter than you expect. Why wait? I paid the deposit for EncaustiCamp 2022.

I have a good friend in Seattle. I had not seen her in a few years. I reached out to see if I could piggyback a visit with her and her family around the same time. She said yes, she would be around the weekend before the workshop!

I was excited to see my friend but I was also very nervous about the workshop. I had not felt very creative in months. I was not motivated to start anything. I would go into the studio and see half-finished thing and be awful to myself. Self doubt is not fun

I should finish that. or That is not successful…why bother… It was a low time.

I wondered…Would I get to the Dumas Bay Center and have nothing to say? Not feel like I could create? I was getting more uncomfortable as the workshop dates approached.

EncaustiCamp is essentially an open studio. You can work independently in a studio space on whatever you decide to work on and there are Mini workshops that all artists can join. You can do as many or as few as you like. I decided to sign up for a bunch of those mini workshops as I could fit in.

My goal was even though I might not get inspired, I could at least keep myself busy and experience some new things.

The date arrives. I jump on that plane and head to the US. My friend Pauline picked me up from the airport. It was like no time had passed. We were talking a mile a minute the whole weekend. It was a lovely visit.

On Monday at noon I arrived at the workshop. I checked into my room and went to meet the people gathering downstairs. They were so welcoming. Yay! I found my people!

There were just under 50 artists in attendance, We were spread throughout three wax studios in the Dumas Bay center overlooking the Puget Sound. (You could see the ocean from the windows. What a treat for a prairie girl.)

40-something artists stayed together. We created together, talked, laughed, and shared ideas, techniques and supplies. I had a blast.

I was so excited to meet so many creative people and teachers.I went to most of the mini workshops. I learned some fun new techniques. Some I will use and some I will not use.

A funny thing happened. I started. I just made something. A little portrait painting. It was stunning to feel the flow again.

I put wax onto board and drew pastel onto wax.

I felt creative. I created artworks. I felt I was happy for the first time in a while.

EncaustiCamp only lasted one week, and then it was time to return home, but the feeling stayed with me when I got home. I realized I was ready to get in the studio by myself to create some joy in my life!

I found my creativity. It felt so good.

Now it is time to share the good feeling with you and my other students. Life is too short. Find your happiness and creativity.



Recycle and Create - Printmaking


Getting started Painting with hot wax!